Student Support Services

To provide a fulfilling education experience for our students, Stalford Academy also involves itself in the provision of student support services to deliver an all-rounded learning experience. Such support services are regularly reviewed to not only upkeep the standards of service, but to also provide a conducive environment that will support and complement our students in their learning. Through the provision of student support services, the Academy aims to enhance the educational experiences of our students, while developing them holistically so that they would stand to gain a positive learning experience here with us.

Please approach the Student Affairs Manager or Student Affairs Executive for the following student support services:


Prior to your arrival, the Academy will assist you in arrangements such as the application of student pass, insurance, and accommodation, amongst others. Special arrangements will also be made upon your arrival, to pick you up at the Airport before sending you to your pre-arranged accommodation. To better acclimatize you to the local setting which may be new to you, the Academy will hold an orientation program to let you in on the school premises and policies, as well as the local environment and other pertinent issues to pay special attention to.

  • Application Fee Payment
  • FPS Escrow/Insurance Payment
  • Student’s Pass Application/Renewal
  • Arrival and Airport Pick-up
  • Orientation programme
  • General Healthcare information
  • Accommodation

Stalford Academy provide Group Hospital & Surgical Insurance for all students which covers hospitalisation and related medical treatment for the entire course duration, from NTUC Income Insurance Co-op Ltd and the coverage are as stated below:

  • Annual Limit of S$20,000 per student
  • At Least B2 Ward in government and restructured hospitals
  • 24 hours coverage in Singapore and overseas (if student is involved in school-related activities)

You will be given a copy of the medical insurance policy stating clearly the policy’s terms and conditions, the claim procedure, any exclusion, etc.


Student welfare and related services are almost a priority to us here at Stalford. To ensure a smooth and unperturbed educational experience, you can approach us at the Academy for assistance regarding any matters concerning student welfare and other related services. Administrative personnel are also made available to attend to your general enquiries and to gather any feedback, complaints or suggestions that you may have.

New Students

  • Pick-up from Airport
  • Advise/arrange accommodations for International Students, e.g. home-stay, student hostel
  • Apply/extend Social Visit Pass and Visa for parents
  • Arrange Medical Check-up & Security Bond Banker’s Guarantee
  • Assist in Student’s Pass application and collection
  • Orientation programme for all newly-enrolled students

All Students

Health and Emergency

  • Medical Insurance Coverage
  • Medical insurance claims
  • First aid
  • Stalford Emergency Helpline (9621 5986)

Counselling and Advice

  • Pastoral counselling
  • Academic progression counselling
  • Career guidance counselling

Applications & Renewal

  • Application for leave/MC
  • Application for external examinations
  • Student’s Pass Renewal

Academic Matters

  • Issue Letter of Certification
  • Issue Certificate of Completion

General Queries, Requests and Feedback

  • Course fees queries and refund request
  • Course transfer and withdrawal request
  • Feedback and complaints



Beyond academics, the Academy is truly concerned about your personal growth and development during your time here with us, as part of our promise to you regarding the holistic learning experience that you stand to gain. We understand that the learning process may sometimes not be all that smooth, so academic and pastoral counselling services are made available to you should you wish for assistance to discuss personal problems or academic pursuits.
• Academic Counselling
• Student Welfare Support Hotline
• Pastoral Counselling

For students 16 years and below, the Stalford Academy will notify the parent/guardian whenever the student is absent from school or is on medical leave.


The Student Handbook is an informative guide compiled to provide the Academy’s students with the up-to-date concise information and guidelines to assist students in their general understanding of the school’s existing facilities, services, procedures, policies and rules, and the Singapore experience (for international students). Students are expected to possess a sound understanding of the relevant and important requirements that should be adhered to facilitate their planning of goals towards their academic pursuits.


The student help line has been set up for students who are in need of assistance to seek advice and guidance for any personal issues, difficulties and concerns that they may face and cannot handle on their own. Advice can be sought from any of the senior staff through the helpline.

Personnel in charge: Student Affairs Manager
Stalford Emergency Helpline: (65) 9621 5986