Category Archives: Current Students

Service Guarantee

Service Guarantee

We are committed to providing our students with quality education courses, adequate facilities and necessary support services. We aim to create a conducive environment and provide a holistic learning experience for our students’ development and growth. Stalford actively seeks to improve our services to promptly exceed the needs and expectations of our customers.

Quality Assurance

Stalford actively seeks to maintain and improve our quality of educational services. We have various policies in place to ensure that our teaching and administrative staff is constantly delivering quality service.

Teaching staff recruitment

All teaching staff is engaged through a stringent selection process. This ensures that all our teachers possess the requisite experience, qualifications and competency to conduct the courses. All teachers are registered with the Committee for Private Education. The Committee for Private Education (CPE) is part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

Teaching staff training and evaluation

Regular teacher evaluation sessions are conducted to assess the standards of our teachers to ensure that they are updated with the current course syllabus and requirements.

Course reviews

Our course curriculums are constantly reviewed, revised, and improved upon to keep updated with the latest MOE syllabus and requirements of the ever-changing education landscape.

Service staff skills training and upgrading

Trainings are conducted regularly to improve the service standards of our administrative and customer service staff, in terms of service attitude and efficiency. Service performance is also constantly reviewed to ensure that all our staff is professional and on-task.

Facility and equipment maintenance

At Stalford, we hold that a conducive learning environment is essential for a satisfying and comfortable learning experience. Inspections and surveillance on all classroom facilities and equipment are conducted on a regular basis to ensure that the learning environment is maintained at the best condition.


We strive to adhere to applicable statutory and regulatory requirements to the best of our abilities. Consistent information is shown in our brochures, websites, and other publicity materials. We have in place an appropriate refund policy of the course and other related fees in the event of cancellation, non-completion, termination of course, or breach of the Standard Student Contract.

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Social Responsibility Policy

Here at Stalford Academy, we recognize and value the importance of upholding socially responsible behaviours for sustainable development and progress.

At the Academy,

  • We realize the importance of the legitimate interests of the society and its environment, and consequently, the saliency of incorporating them as key indicators of corporate performance.
  • We shall endeavour to persuade, partner and pursue with others within our sphere of influence the objectives of healthy ecosystems, social equity and good corporate governance practice.
  • We believe that the well being of society and organizations is perquisite on the health of the world’s ecosystems, social equity and good corporate governance practice.
  • There is no inherent conflict of interest among our stake-holders, namely shareholders, investors, employees, suppliers, students and parents, communities and government.

We are determined to nurture a corporate culture based on the universal principles of social responsibility, namely

  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Ethical behaviour
  • Respect for stakeholder interests
  • Respect for the rule of law
  • Respect for international norms of behaviour, and
  • Respect for individual rights.

To further the Academy’s commitment to its social responsibility policy, efforts will be made to develop and enhance the required capacity and capabilities for the organizational structure, human resource development programs, performance monitoring and reporting on the extent of our social responsibility achievements.

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Dispute Resolution Policy

As part of Stalford Academy’s close-loop feedback and complaints management system which welcomes all feedback, we take all of cases of grievances and disputes seriously. We are committed to arrive at a resolution for all feedback regarding grievances and disputes within 21 working days.

If the complaint is not resolved amicably, or if the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome, or if a resolution is not arrived at during this stipulated period of time, Stalford Academy shall refer the complainant to the CPE Student Services Centre, the Small Claims Tribunal (SCT) (for clear-cut fee refund issues of equivalent or less than S$20,000#) or the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme for further action.

#For amounts that exceed SGD$20,000 but is below SGD$30,000, the claim can still proceed with SCT if both parties consent to it in writing.

The CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme comprises two stages; Stage 1: Mediation (by the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC)), Stage 2: Arbitration (by the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb)).

A private school’s participation in the dispute resolution process is compulsory as stipulated by the PE Act. For the case to be eligible:

  • It must be relevant to private education and arise after the Dispute Resolution Schemes Regulations came into operation on 10 May 2010;
  • It must not be criminal in nature; and
  • It must not have received a judicial decision in the courts.

    Students who encounter any related issues of grievances or disputes can contact the Academy via email at , via post at 12 Kallang Avenue #03-12, Aperia, Singapore 339511, or via the Academy’s Duty Hotline at (65) 9621 5986. Any students in doubt or are facing problems with the school can refer to the Committee of Private Education’s website at The Committee for Private Education (CPE) is part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

    Please click on the link for more information about the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme.



    1. All feedback and complaints received will be recorded. This includes any feedback received via formal or informal (verbal), complaint forms, website, overseas offices and any other mass media.
    2. All feedbacks and complaints received will be directed to the Learning Quality Manager.
    3. Feedback and complaint records shall be submitted to the CPE annually.
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  • Feedback Management

    At Stalford Academy, we value your feedback and welcome any suggestions that you may have for us to enhance our service quality and standards. To ensure that we make the most out of your valuable feedback, Stalford Academy adopts a closed-loop feedback management system to gather and address all feedback and complaints received from all students, staff, and the public.

    Stalford Academy is committed to arrive at a resolution for all feedback regarding grievances and disputes within 21 working days. All feedback received shall be acknowledged, investigated and evaluated for follow-up action. Any action taken shall be recorded and made known to the person giving the feedback if the complainant identifies himself or herself and leave behind his/her contact details.

    If the complaint is not resolved amicably, or if the student is dissatisfied with the outcome, or if a resolution is not arrived at during this stipulated period of time, Stalford Academy shall refer our students and/or parents to the CPE Student Services Centre, the Small Claims Tribunal, or the CPE approved dispute resolution centres (the Singapore Mediation Centre and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators) for further assistance. Kindly refer to our Dispute Resolution Policy for more information.

    To ensure that all feedback and complaints get to us, here at Stalford, we strive to make it as convenient as possible for you to channel your concerns to us. Feedback forms can easily be retrieved from the reception, or alternatively, you can choose to raise your concerns to us through email or even through tele-conversation. Whichever way you prefer, we would be glad to hear from you. Please refer to our Contact Us page for our contact details.

    Stalford Academy will regularly seek feedback from its key stakeholders and external partners for continual improvement in its operations and partnerships. Feedback and complaints received will be analysed, and will serve as inputs for our review process and continual improvement.

    In particular:

    • All feedback and complaints received will be recorded. This includes any feedback received via formal or informal (verbal), complaint forms, website, overseas offices and any other mass media.
    • All feedbacks and complaints received will be directed to the Quality & OE Manager.
    • Feedback and complaint records shall be submitted to the CPE annually.
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    Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection Policy

    It is the responsibility of all staff members of Stalford Academy to maintain the confidentiality of all student, staff and School information to which they have access. This entails:

    • Ensuring the security of documents, files, computer data, photographs, technical data and any other information which are the property of Stalford Academy
    • Not spreading gossip directed at specific students or staff
    • Where appropriate, obtaining the permission of the individual before releasing information of a personal or private nature

    Our Personal Data Protection Statement can be accessed from the following link:

    Stalford Academy Personal Data Protection Statement

    If you:

    (a) have any questions or feedback relating to your Personal Data or our Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection Policy;
    (b) would like to withdraw your consent to any use of your Personal Data as set out in our Data Protection Policy; or
    (c) would like to obtain access and make corrections to your Personal Data records,

    Please email Stalford Academy’s Data Protection Officer at

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    Refund, Transfer and Withdrawal


    Stalford Academy’s Refund Policy is aligned to the Standard PEI-Student Contract version 3.1 Section 2 – Refund Policy and Schedule D – Refund Table. Course Fees specified in the Student Contract Schedule B are refundable in accordance with the Refund Policy.

    Note: All clauses for the REFUND POLICY below are referenced from the Standard PEI-Student Contract, which can be downloaded from CPE’s website at


    2.1  Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:
    The PEI will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

    (i)  It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
    (ii)  It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;
    (iii)  It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
    (iv)  It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
    (v)  It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
    (vi)  The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

    The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.

    2.2  Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:
    If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1, the PEI will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table in Schedule D.

    2.3 Refund During Cooling-Off Period:
    The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.
    The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.



    % of [the amount of fees paid under Schedules B and C]
    If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received
    More than [30] days before the Course Commencement Date
    Before, but not more than [30] days before the Course Commencement Date
    After, but not more than [7] days after the Course Commencement Date
    More than [7] days after the Course Commencement Date,
    but not more than [14] days after the Course Commencement Date
    more than [14] days after the Course Commencement Date



    For students who are unable to enter Singapore due to COVID-19 border control measures but wish to attend online lessons temporarily to ensure that their learning journey is not unduly interrupted, Stalford Academy will adopt the Stalford Academy COVID-19 PEI-Student Contract and the Schedule D Refund Table contained therein.

    Non-Refundable Fees
    Further to the above clauses for the Refund Policy for Total Course Fees as stated in the Student Contract, fees such as Application Fee and Miscellaneous Fees paid are non-refundable.

    Application Fee refers to the fee that the student pays Stalford Academy for the sole purpose of processing the application form submitted. Miscellaneous Fees refer to any non-compulsory fees which the students pay only when applicable. Please refer to the Course Information Brochures for more information regarding Application Fee and Miscellaneous Fees.

    Please refer to the following flow chart for the Refund Process.



    Current students may at any time withdraw from their current course of study completely or request to transfer to another course offered by Stalford Academy. Please refer to the Withdrawal Process and Transfer Process below.

    For students below the age of 18, students’ parents/ guardians must consent to the course transfer or course withdrawal request.

    Processing time for a student’s transfer request or withdrawal request shall not take more than 4 calendar weeks from the point of student’s request to informing student of the outcome in writing.




    Stalford Academy does not allow course deferment. Student who wishes to defer will be advised to withdraw from his/her current course in accordance with Transfer Policy and Transfer Procedures.

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    Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)

    To comply with the requirements of EduTrust, the FPS is implemented to cover both local and international students for course fees payment. The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect the students’ fees in the event a Private Education Institution (PEI) is unable to continue operations due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. Furthermore, the FPS protects the student if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the student arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore courts.

    FPS at Stalford Academy

    Stalford Academy has employed the Fee Protection Scheme (Group Insurance) to provide full protection to all Course Fees paid by our students. Application Fee is excluded from the FPS. Miscellaneous Fees are also excluded from the FPS unless otherwise stated in Schedule C of the Standard Student Contract.

    The payment modes for Course Fees are as follow:

    Payment Modes

    • Cash, NETS, cheque or TT* payable to Stalford Academy and collect FPS insurance cover note on the same day.

    Insurance Scheme at Stalford Academy

    Stalford Academy is covered under the Fee Protection Scheme (Group Insurance). We shall notify the insurer within 7 working days from the date of receipt of fees from the student. The insurance coverage shall commence from the date of payment of the fees till the due date of the next payment or the course end date, whichever is earlier. Private education institutions will purchase insurance protection from any one of the Committee for Private Education-appointed insurance companies for every one of their students to protect their fees. The Committee for Private Education (CPE) is part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). Stalford Academy is using the services of The Lonpac Insurance Bhd, one of the service providers for FPS appointed by CPE. Below is the official certificate for the fee protection scheme insurance purchased by Stalford Academy.

    Stalford Academy’s FPS Insurance Policy No.: Z/22/BM00/001068

    FPS Insurance

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